Our Faith


Cross of Christ is a congregation of the Mid-South District of the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod. As Lutherans, we accept and teach Bible-based teachings of Martin Luther that inspired the reformation of the Christian Church in the 16th century.

Our Vision Statement
We are committed to reaching out to the local
community and supporting world-wide ministries, as
we embrace and nurture current and new brothers
and sisters with our Savior’s own forgiveness and love.

Statement of Faith
Cross of Christ is a congregation of the Lutheran
Church Missouri Synod. We accept and teach the
inspired word of God from the Bible.

Mission Statement
To know Jesus Christ as Lord and make Him known.


Our Worship

In Lutheran worship, we come before our risen Lord to receive His gifts through Word and Sacrament. Cross of Christ offers services on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings year-round, and on other days during certain seasons of the church year.

Our Worship ›


Devotional Resources

Looking for Daily Devotional Readings?
Check out the Daily Devotions with Lutheran Hour Ministries! They also have a way for you to subscribe, and tune in with a mobile app available to both Android and iOS users. Additionally, you can access their podcast with Spotify, iHeart Radio, Alexa, or Google Home.

Lutheran Church Charities also provides daily readings, videos, and prayers to guide us on our walks with God. There is something for everything, and all of their devotions are accessible in the archive!